Well hello there, it's been a while since we talked so I figured it's time for another update. Seems like so much has happened since we talked last. Deb and I went back to Windsor the beginning of June for vacation to celebrate Laurel's High School graduation (now they're all out of High School - yeah !!!), Deb's parents 50th anniversary and to spend some quality time with our kids. We had a great time, even though it was a strange feeling to be on vacation in the place where you used to live. Then when we were back for about a week Deb returned back to the States for an unplanned trip to help our oldest son Chris with his move (and to walk alongside of him to help him through a tough personal time - isn't that in the Mom handbook...?). She got back a few days ago and is currently trying to convince her body that the time zones changed yet again ... In the meantime we had near 100 degree temperatures, along with lovely humidity - something we just don't experience too often here in Germany. But hopefully we're past that now. Things at work are progressing nicely. Business is doing good, we're always busy and don't know at times how to get all the jobs processed - guess that's a better challenge to have then the other way around But I did realize that working with numbers all day is quite different then working in a restaurant
But you had probably figured that out already ... so I am trying to find a way how to combine people and numbers so that I won't be stuck in my office all day. I'll keep you posted on how that's going
Quick update on our 4 legged daughter Sophie - she is struggling hard right now. What we thought was her progressing arthritis actually turned out as another form of nasty cancer that is slowly eating away at her bones. Now she is fighting 2 different forms of cancer. So far she is still happy but has an increasingly hard time to get up and walk. We promised her that we won't let her suffer if her quality of life isn't there anymore. Guess she'll let us know when the time comes. No fun times ...
While Deb was helping Chris I had a fun couple of days with our two daughters Julia and Laurel that came to visit on their way to Berlin. Julia will study at the Freie Uni Berlin through an exchange with UC Davis until March next year and Laurel came along to help her get settled in. I enjoyed having them here - our first official visitors from the States - so who's coming next? Is it you who is reading this right now? The guest room is ready
- just let us know when you're coming - we're already looking forward to it!
Well, so much for today - we'll talk again soon.
Later y'all
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