Monday, April 5, 2010

Is the grass really greener....?

We have "suffered" through a 4 day Easter weekend (Yes, Good Friday and Easter Monday are official paid holidays here in Germany), closing out the weekend sitting outside at a little cafe at the old Marktplatz (see photo) in Gernsbach enjoying the afternoon along with some much appreciated sunshine. Lots of families out walking and enjoying the break in the April weather as well. As we've mentioned before our transition from California to small town Germany was a lot different than we anticipated. We know for sure that we made the move at the right time, because now the weather can only get better. The signs of spring are visible mostly in the form of beautiful flowers that are popping up more and more. Our dogs, Sophie and Charlie, are definitely enjoying longer walks in the parks. There must be some amazing smells in the air because Charlie has so much energy on our walks that he can hardly contain himself. Even Sophie at her more respectful age is pulling us along most of the way. Now we're looking forward to getting our bikes out of the garage to get some exercise. Only problem is, there's a lot of hills around us .... :-) ..... OK, I know, that's part of the exercise.
There is one thing we've noticed when we're out walking. People here have a tendency to stare at you as you approach them or walk by. And then when you nod and say hello as you pass the large majority won't respond at all. Some even look the other way. That is the strangest feeling, cause you would think it is common courtesy or at least a sign of respect to at least respond. I don't remember that at all from when I was growing up. The really funny thing thoygh is that when you enter a restaurant it is customary to say "hello" to other tables as you walk by or at least say hello as you're entering the restaurant and good bye when you leave. You figure that one out ... :-)

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