Sunday, September 12, 2010

Waking up with God

Good Morning Blog … I’ve listened to an incredible sermon of Andy Stanley yesterday, taking about how we use our time wisely. And he reminded me of the importance of starting out the day on the right foot by spending my first few minutes of the day with God and His word. I had not done that in a while – because I was too busy or thought I didn’t have the time for that.

So here is what I read this morning.

Jeremiah 24:1-10

And what struck me is that no matter where we are or what we are facing – we can be sure that God is with us as long as we are doing what he wants us to do. And sometimes that means we are being sent into “exile” – a place where we’re not sure about why we’re there or what we’re supposed to do there…. He sent us away but he also promises to protect us and to eventually bring us back to this land.

So why are am I worrying about what I am doing or why I am where I am? As long as I stay on His path for me I know I am doing what He wants me to do and that’s all that should matter.

So, here I am God – ready for you to lead me and direct me into this day. Let it be to Your glory!